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African Tea Variety Pack

(12 Bag Variety Pack: 4 African Hibiscus Healing Tea, 4 African Hibiscus Mint Tea, and 4 South African Rooibos Tea


African Hibiscus Healing Tea (Made in Niger)

Drink the Preferred Tea of the Ancient Pharaohs!


Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), native to Africa, is highly cherished for its refreshing, healing, and antioxidant qualities. It is said to help lower cholesterol, aid with Type 2 Diabetes, and reduce high blood pressure. It is also used as an infusion in other herbal teas; alone, it is often flavored with mint or ginger. It can be enjoyed either hot or chilled, and is a very popular beverage throughout Africa and around the world. 


This African Hibiscus Mint Tea (Made in Niger)

Put the combined power of hibiscus and mint to work for you as you slowly sip this aromatic and delightful tea!


This African Hibiscus Mint Tea combines the all the powerful benefits of both hibiscus and mint in one delicious tea. Hibiscus tea has a tart flavor that is reminiscent of cranberries. It is packed with antioxidants prevent the damage caused to cells by the build-up of free radicals.


Studies have found that it may lower blood pressure. It also can help lower levers of LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol. It has detoxifying enzymes that promote liver health. There are some preliminary test-tube studies that indicate it may inhibit the growth of cancer. It may also help combat bacterial infections. The cool, refreshing taste of mint tea comes with a lot of health benefits. It reduces stress and promotes a restful sleep. It aids in weight loss by helping you feel full. It sooth upset stomachs and aids in digestion.


As always, mint will help fight bad breath and leave you with a fresh mouth. It also has antibacterial properties that boost your immune system. 


South African Rooibos Tea (Made in South Africa)

African Red Bush Tea for Your Skin and Senses
Whether you drink a cup of this tea or throw a tea bag in your bath, the benefits are so worth it! Not only does it taste warm and sweet, it has a number of health and skincare benefits. Rooibos has natural antioxidants that help delay the aging process, and drinking a cup of rooibos before bed can ensure a restful sleep, and cure headaches. It contains no caffeine and has a natural relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Rooibos also has natural calcium and fluoride content that strengthens the bones and your teeth. The alpha hydroxy acid and zinc in rooibos tea helps to promote healthy, smooth skin and calms skin irritations like eczema, sunburns, diaper rash and acne.

Want to ease tired, worn eyes? Put used rooibos tea bags in the refrigerator or freezer, then put them over your eyes to relieve redness and soothe and relax your eyes.

There are countless other benefits; take the opportunity to improve your health and enjoy great flavor today.


*This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

African Tea Variety Pack

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